At Revive RX Med Spa, our practitioners see patients looking to better their health and appearance. When approached by patients who are seeking weight loss, our team offers a wide selection of weight management solutions to choose from. One treatment growing in popularity in the last two years is semaglutide for weight loss. Kansas City, Missouri, area patients are encouraged to call our office and schedule a consultation visit to find out if semaglutide is right for them!
Semaglutide is a unique medication developed by Novo Nordisk over a decade ago for treating type 2 diabetes. Over time, it also showed potential promise as a weight loss medication. It has since been approved by the FDA in 2021 as a long-term weight management injectable that can be used in patients with a BMI in the 95th percentile for their corresponding age and gender. It is also now prescribed for patients aged 12 and up, thanks to approval for teenagers in late 2022.
Semaglutide works with your GLP-1 receptors in the brain that regulate your appetite and how much you consume. It is similar to the natural hormone incretin in the digestive tract. Because this medication affects the GLP-1 receptors, it helps minimize appetite and, in turn, how much you eat during the day. This is further beneficial for patients who are already mindful of what they eat and are consuming a low-calorie, nutritionally-dense diet.
Semaglutide has been proven to help with weight loss and can be used long-term for those who do not experience any unwanted side effects. This medication slows down the time it takes for the stomach to empty, ensuring a full feeling for much longer. It can cause some patients to experience side effects such as constipation, stomach pain, indigestion, and diarrhea. If you notice any of these changes or other side effects, talk to our Revive RX Med Spa professional about whether you should continue with semaglutide injections.
Our practitioners work with patients to help them learn more about how to eat healthy and enjoy sustainable weight loss. We may recommend solutions such as digestive enzymes, the choline, or phentermine prescriptions. We consult with you to understand more about your current diet and exercise levels, as well as your goals and can create a customized weight loss treatment that fits your needs. It may or may not include semaglutide injections, depending on your current health and medical history.
Kansas City, MO, area patients curious about semaglutide injections for weight loss or other solutions available at Revive RX Med Spa are invited to call (816) 208-4330 to request an appointment. Our clinic is open to new and current patients.